
    Conductance distribution of fosetyl-aluminum in Torreya grandis and control efficacy on root rot

    • 摘要: 为明确乙磷铝在香榧体内传导分布及对香榧根腐病的田间防治效果,将0.5%乙磷铝水剂 (SL) 对3年生香榧注干施药7、14和21 d后,采用HPLC-MS测定了乙磷铝在香榧体内各部位的分布;并将0.5%乙磷铝SL对13年生香榧连续注干施药3年,每年3月中旬施药1次。第3年施药90和180 d后测定了乙磷铝在香榧体内各部位的残留,第3年施药15、45和180 d后检测香榧叶片光合作用的变化。结果显示:0.5%乙磷铝SL注干施药7 d后,乙磷铝已传导至香榧的根、干、枝、叶等部位,枝干及根部乙磷铝含量分别为0.51、0.15 mg/kg;施药3年对香榧根腐病的防治效果达89.41%;乙磷铝注干施药,可以增加香榧叶片的光合色素和叶绿素含量,降低热耗散量和类胡萝卜素含量,增强叶片的光合作用,使叶片萌发正常、复壮复绿。综上,乙磷铝注干施药后,在香榧体内可双向传导,有效防治香榧根腐病。


      Abstract: To elucidate the systemic distribution of fosetyl-aluminum in Torreya grandis and its field efficacy against root rot, HPLC-MS was employed to trace the presence of the compound across different parts of three-year-old T. grandis at 7, 14, and 21 days after trunk injection. A 0.5% SL was applied to 13-year-old T. grandis through trunk injection, once annually in mid-March, over a 3-year period. At the end of the third year, the residue levels of fosetyl-aluminum in different T. grandis tissues and changes in leaf photosynthesis activity were assessed. Seven days after the 0.5% fosetyl-aluminum SL trunk injection, the compound was systemically distributed to the roots, stems, branches, and leaves, with concentrations reaching 0.51 mg/kg in the branches and stems, and 0.15 mg/kg in the roots. The three-year application achieved a remarkable 89.41% control efficacy against root rot in T. grandis. Furthermore, the trunk injection of fosetyl-aluminum increased photosynthetic pigments, including chlorophyll, while reducing heat dissipation and carotenoid content in the leaves, thereby enhancing photosynthetic capacity. This led to normal leaf sprouting, rejuvenation, and re-greening. Collectively, fosetyl-aluminum, when applied via trunk injection, can move bi-directionally within T. grandis and is an effective treatment for root rot control.


