
    Acute and chronic toxicity of bixafen to Daphnia magna

    • 摘要: 为评价联苯吡菌胺对水生无脊椎动物的危害,利用大型溞 (Daphnia magna) 开展联苯吡菌胺48 h和21 d暴露试验,系统探究联苯吡菌胺对大型溞的急性及慢性毒性。急性毒性试验结果显示:联苯吡菌胺对大型溞的48 h EC50值为0.964 mg/L,毒性等级为高毒。慢性毒性试验结果表明:联苯吡菌胺长期暴露可显著推迟大型溞的首次产溞时间,降低首次产溞量、总产溞次数和总产溞量;并抑制大型溞蜕壳次数和体长;联苯吡菌胺暴露21 d后,大型溞的内禀增长率显著下降;联苯吡菌胺对大型溞的21 d最低可观测效应浓度 (LOEC) 为0.08 mg/L,最高无可观测效应浓度 (NOEC) 为0.04 mg/L。综上,联苯吡菌胺对大型溞具有较高的急性毒性,且在低浓度下长期暴露可对大型溞的生长、繁殖产生显著抑制作用,对大型溞的种群繁衍具有较高风险。本研究结果丰富了联苯吡菌胺的水生毒理学信息,亦可为全面准确评价联苯吡菌胺对水生生态系统的风险提供科学依据。


      Abstract: To investigate the effects of bixafen on aquatic invertebrates, this study utilized Daphnia magna to conduct 48-hour and 21-day exposure tests, systematically investigating the acute and chronic toxicities of bixafen on D. magna. The acute toxicity test showed that the 48 h EC50 value of bixafen was 0.964 mg/L, indicating a high level of toxicity. The chronic toxicity test revealed that long-term exposure to bixafen could significantly delay the first brood time of D. magna, and reduce the first brood size, total number of broods, and total brood size. The molting rate and body length of D. magna were also inhibited. In addition, the intrinsic growth rate of D. magna significantly decreased after 21 d exposure to bixafen. The 21-d lowest observed effect concentration (LOEC) and no observed effect concentration (NOEC) of bixafen to D. magna were 0.08 mg/L and 0.04 mg/L, respectively. In conclusion, bixafen exhibits high acute toxicity to D. magna, and long-term exposure to bixafen at low concentrations can significantly inhibit the reproduction and growth of D. magna, posing a high risk to D. magna populations. Our results enrich the aquatic toxicology information of bixafen, and also provide a more comprehensive and accurate scientific basis for risk assessment of bixafen to aquatic ecosystems.


