
    Research progress of pesticides containing trifluoromethylpyridine

    • 摘要: 基于有效片段重组是新农药创制的重要策略之一。三氟甲基吡啶是农药中常见的结构片段,也是近年来被广泛关注的农药活性亚结构,其衍生物通常具有特殊的生物活性。本文总结了目前已商品化的含三氟甲基吡啶片段的农药,并综述了近三年国内外具有生物活性的三氟甲基吡啶衍生物的研发情况,为新农药创制提供结构设计依据。


      Abstract: Design based on active fragments is a crucial part of novel pesticides development. Trifluoromethylpyridine, as a common segment in terms of pesticide structure, is an active substructure in pesticides, and its derivatives exhibit special biological activities. In the present work, the commercial pesticides containing trifluoromethylpyridine fragments and the progress of its bioactive derivatives in the past three years are reviewed. It is expected to provide a guide for pesticides design in the future.


